Friday, February 14, 2014

Oh Canada

I am so thankful I woke up this morning feeling so well . After fighting an ear ache and sickness, I had a restful 13 hours of sleep and woke up feeling like quite a new person. Rest is powerful stuff I tell you.
I can hardly believe that we are at the end of our second week here in Canada. Even though it seems like ages since I was back home in CO it seems like we just started our Canadian adventure yesterday. Time really has a way of flying by right in front of our very eyes.
Today on my 22nd Birthday I had a few hours of complete quiet before the rest of my team was around. I just sat and though a lot about my life. How much has happened especially in the past year. Words just flooded my mind.
Change. Hurt. Disappointment. Fear..then hope. Grace. Joy. Happiness. Tears. Pain. Forgiveness. Adventure. Peace. Honesty . Satisfaction. Love . Blessings. Loneliness.Understanding. Purpose.

Through all the thoughts and situations that came to mind at the beginning and  end of all of them I had two powerful words . BUT GOD. Over and over again it is so easy to slip into this feeling of " I must have a plan, a direction for my life."
Can I just say that , that right there is a terrible plan for my life.
Thinking of my life in context to the Bible in the grand scheme of things. (1) God made everything, He said it was good, and then very good. (2) I was made in the image of God. Imago Dei . That alone is a beautiful thing. Since I was made in His image (3) He has a plan for me . Purpose and direction for my life . He always has and always will. Purpose is so hard that I think every single person on the face of the earth struggles with it at some point in their life. What on earth is my/your purpose? It seems like such a hard question,but it has the most simple answer . Just look in the Bible and you will easily find .... "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness......Love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul "
there are literally hundreds of verses we could look at .
  Back on track , how does this apply to me today. In my mind I logically have enough decisions and life choices to make in life right now ,that I could be uber stressed about. For the first time in my life I have gone a whole 5 weeks without fear  in regards to my future. I was awestruck by God's amazing faithfulness throughout my life. He knew that I would be here in Canada, loving being on an Axis team, just having moved to CO and that I would be feeling terribly ill this week! Nothing in my life has even for a moment taken Christ by surprise. Therefore , it completely futile and down right ridiculous to doubt my Savior for one second. In fact, I am starting to realize that to do anything besides trusting completely in Him , I am taking away from His purpose of dying on the cross.
So, with a grateful and joyful heart I greet another year to know, love, honor and proclaim the precious name of my Savior and King, The Lord Jesus Christ.